
About ColocationPlus

ColocationPLUS™ is the latest initiative of Prominic.NET, a managed hosting provider with two decades of experience. ColocationPLUS™ provides a myriad of offerings for businesses, including colocation solutions, management services, and High Power Density hosting..

Our mission is to help businesses focus on their actual products and services, by eliminating the work and worry of in-house server maintenance.

Colocation Solutions

We offer a variety of colocation solutions for server equipment of all types. Our services can be scaled to meet the demands of your company’s IT hosting needs with regards to space, power, connectivity and additional management services.

Scalable Data Centers

Our SSAE-16 audited data centers were designed with scalability in mind. We have affordable solutions for organizations of all sizes. Whether you need world-class connectivity, high strength security or just room to grow, ColocationPLUS™ has the right solution for you.

High Power Density Servers

ColocationPLUS™ also specializes in providing hosting for High Power Density Servers such as GPU Servers, Crypto Miners, and Blade Servers. High power density servers are capable of providing drastic performance increases over a traditional server but require a hosting provider with the knowledge and infrastructure to support them.

Why Choose Us


Excellent Service

We pride ourselves on our reputation for excellent service. All of our clients, large or small, can count on receiving top-notch care from our tech-savvy support staff. Our top priority is to ensure that your needs are always taken care of, from the setup process to routine maintenance requests. Moreover, as a small business, one of our defining characteristics is the flexibility to fit each of our client’s requirements.


High Value

Colocating quickly leads to an overall cost savings over the life of a service agreement. Colocation is the most cost-effective means of hosting your servers in a professional full-service data center. ColocationPLUS™ seeks to maximize savings with affordable solutions by giving you everything you need and nothing you don’t.


Redundant Infrastructure

ColocationPLUS™ owns and operates three US-based Full Service Data centers located in Central Illinois.  High availability hosting is provided through redundant Power Delivery, Connectivity, Cooling, and Geographically Separate Facilities.